
zondag 19 maart 2017

My week in music

Another week is almost over and just like last week I wanted to discuss with you the soundtrack to my past week. Now I've not played any cd's this week, I haven't even played this much music this week. Probably cause I've been watching tv a little bit more, especially in the last few days. Let's take a look below to see what music I've been playing.

I'm so glad I have my Last FM page to look back at. Else it would be really difficult to remember what I've actually been playing. But looking at my profile I can tell there's not really one artist jumping out this week. The top 5 is compiled of artists with 3-5 plays over the last week.

Most of the music I've listened was influenced by the articles I've been writing on here. Yesterday I  played 2 song by Morgan Page ft Lissie on repeat cause I was inspired by Friday's article in which I mentioned Scared To Be Lonely by Martin Garrix ft Dua Lipa. It got me thinking about dance/pop collaborations and I remembered that one of my favorite singers, Lissie, did two songs with Morgan Page. So I played The Longest Road and Open Heart on repeat a few times to remember what a jam both tracks are.

On Sunday I played some Dilana. While writing the article about her music. The on Monday I was already busy writing the article about Waylon. Which ended up being posted on Thursday. But that explains the Waylon plays on Monday.

Then you can see that Thursday I played the song that were mentioned in Friday's article. I need to have played the songs or the artist while writing the article to get the right feel and describe it right. Even though you have heard that song/artist many times before already.

There's 2 more random plays on Monday that I haven't mentioned. I don't really have much to mention about those really. So I won't be paying much attention to them today.

So as you can see last week wasn't the most interesting week music wise, but I hope you might be able to get some inspiration out of it anyway. Let me know in the comments what your soundtrack of the past week has been.

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