
dinsdag 21 maart 2017

My musical influences part 1

From a young age I've grown up with music at home, the influences came mostly from my dad. My mom wasn't that much into music. From my dad I got mostly classic rock influences mixed in with a few other things. I thought it would be fun to take you on a little musical journey and show you some of the most prominent influences.

One of the biggest influences by far is probably Pink Floyd. My dad is a big fan and their music still gets played on the regular in our house. It's one of the names that has probably stayed with me the most growing up. I love hearing Pink Floyd myself as well and I even play it on occasion. Not often enough probably. Sometimes you have certain music you get tired of after a while or that you need to listen to when you're in a certain mood. Pink Floyd is the opposite of that for me. I can listen to Pink Floyd any time and I will love it. Now matter how many times I play it, it doesn't bore me. David Gilmour's voice is probably one of the most underrated voices of all time. It's not particularly powerful or outspoken in any way. But it's very soothing and very beautiful. In it's own way it's very recognizable as well.

Another huge influence is Fleetwood Mac. My dad used to have at least 2 of their albums on vinyl when I was younger. But somehow I only remember his copy of their The Dance cd being played. He must have played those vinyl's as well, but for some reason I don't remember it as much. But there's a cool little story behind my love for The Mac. As I said their The Dance album got played a lot at home and I loved it. I don't think I even knew the band's name or the members, I just what the album looked like and where I could find it in my dad's cd case. If I got the chance to pick a cd before my dad did this was one of the albums I would often choose. I could sing along to the songs before I knew what they were about. I didn't even know there was a dvd from the same concert as well. So several years my dad borrowed the dvd from our library. For some reason it didn't interest me as much at the time. Then later on, for some reason i decided to give it another try and play it. Somehow it did click then and I fell in love with the music and the band. I learned who they were, I got to know their other albums. Today I can say I became a fan of them, own all their albums (of the Buckingham Nicks era that is), I have a Fleetwood Mac poster on my door and I have seen them in concert twice. So you could say that that second time I watched the dvd definitely caused something.

The following song is a bit of an odd one considering the previous two. But my music taste is very eclectic and that is partially because of what I grew up with. We have one Dubliners cd at home and as a child it was played every once in a while. For some reason I really loved that cd and would often play it myself as well if I got the chance. Seven Drunken Nights is probably my favorite song of that album. As I said, I'm not sure what draws me to like this, but it's catchy and fun, so i think that's it. It's hard to explain. I just love it. Of course I would sing and dance along as much as I could until it drove my parents crazy. But it brings back great memories.

Enya and also Clannad are names that I grew up with as well. We don't play their music as often as we used to, but it it still gets played every once in a while. Enya is typical Sunday afternoon music for us. For as long as I can remember we go to church on Sunday morning, then we come back and have an easy day at home and usually it involves my dad playing a cd. Now all names mentioned before are considered Sunday afternoon music for me. But Enya in particular. It's just the perfect music for a quiet Sunday afternoon at home. So that's what it reminds me of. Enya is probably an artist that you love or hate. I love the music, mostly because it's calming and because it has a slight sentimental factor to it for me. 

These were some of my musical influences that I grew up with. There are plenty more that I will get to later, or else the article would get way too long. Let me know which music you grew up listening to in the comments.

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